Finding the Right Loan For You

Doing business with us will put you in the driver’s seat. It’s a different experience than working with a large bank. For starters, we’re a not-for-profit organization established by members, for members. Once you qualify for a loan with us, you’re a member of a very special financial institution that comes with the following benefits:

Lower Rates

Rates at credit unions are generally lower.
This is because credit unions pass savings from their not-for-profit status throughout
our product lines. As an example, credit unions offer members higher rates on
savings accounts and lower rates on loans and credit cards.
We are not looking to make a profit.

Loan Approval

Credit unions exist for their members.
We are more likely to understand and listen to your circumstances when applying for a loan;
and sometimes adjusting the terms of loans accordingly.
While the loan approval process is similar, we are much more approachable and willing
to work with you.
We strive to provide a personalized approach that values you and your financial situation.

Customer Service

Members report high satisfaction rates when conducting business with our credit union.
It is our mission to provide members with affordable financial services because our goal is
not to profit from a member.

Auto Loan Refinance

Did you know that you can save money on your existing auto loan?
Simply go to the “Resources” tab on our car shopping website and find out your
savings with our refinance calculator. It’s super easy to use and will provide you with valuable information, including what lower interest rates are available and how much you could save.

Get the Best Deal

Our car shopping website is a great place to start your search. Learn as much as you
can about the vehicle, including specs, tech features, and gas mileage.
We’re here to help you understand the entire shopping process, and how to get the
best deal on a new or pre-owned vehicle.

Apply for an auto loan today!

Luna Blalock